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An immersive study of the plant species, Rhododedron Ponticum, and it's introduction to the UK as a non-native plant. The work combines elements of colonialism whislt raising the question - is the species invasive, or are we?



An invasive species introduced to the UK during 19th century colonialism, the non native plant spreads to fill all space available to it, outcompeting and displacing all other fauna. Ponticum nectar is toxic to bees, and studies have proven native plant communities showed no signs of returning to pre invasion conditions up to thirty years after the removal of the alien species.


Rhodendron Ponticum is covered by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. It's listed under schedule 9 of the act, with section 14 stating that it is a criminal offence to plant or otherwise cause the species to grow in the wild. 


The UK government suggests mechanical, chemical and biological control of the plant to destroy any traces of the invasive species beyond the borders of any natural woodland.   

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